Friday, June 11, 2010
IT'S HERE - thank you, Madiba!
While watching tournament coverage, I was hit by this quote from Mr. Nelson Mandela and I wanted to share it:
"Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does."
I couldn't help but be drawn to this; not only because of my great admiration and respect for Mr. Mandela, but I find it quite fitting in preparing for Uganda. It's the reason I chose to take on this opportunity. I believe in the power of this sport and what it can do. I'm not sure what lies ahead, but, to me, that is the exciting part. I don't know how to describe the feeling I get using soccer as my language, but it's incredible. Watching people communicate through this sport is inspiring.
Soccer has brought so much to my life - both on and off the field - and I am truly looking forward to sharing that with the people in Ndejje. More and more I realize, this opportunity is about so much more than soccer, but right on the field is the perfect place to start.
And with that said, it's 10:00 AM, June 11....THE GAMES HAVE STARTED!!!
Thoughts and prayers are with the Mandela family on the loss of Zenani, Mr. Mandela's 13yr old great-granddaughter. She was killed in a car crash just last night.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
And we're off...
I am excited to share the news that this August I will be heading to Ndejje, Uganda with an organization called Soccer Without Borders (SWB). SWB is a non profit organization that uses soccer as a vehicle to get involved in communities around the world and create positive change in the lives of underserved children and other socially marginalized groups .
I feel so blessed by this opportunity and am excited to start holding soccer clinics and art programs for children in the community, in addition to conducting vocational and life-skill workshops for women as well as refugees who’ve resettled into the region from nearby DRC,
On the top right hand corner of this blog's homepage, you will find a "Just Give" button. It's easy to use and will take you to a secure website where you can donate to my fundraising efforts. Simply designate your donation is for "Heather Luboff" in the space provided. This is the easiest and most efficient way to make a contribution; however, checks are certainly accepted! Please contact me for details if you are interested in taking that route. And, remember: ALL donations are tax-deductible! Ask your company about matching gifts, too – it’s an easy way to double your impact, and please, please forward this to anyone who you think might want to donate!
I don't think it's quite hit me yet that this is happening, but I am ready and I hope to share this journey with you. And even though financial support is most urgent at this point, I still need your thoughts, prayers, good vibes and words of encouragement. My work with SWB in
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, you know you can call or email me anytime. I posted some cool links on the sidebar where you can read more about SWBs programs and if you are on Facebook, please “Like” the SWB fan page – it, in addition to this personal page, will be an easy way to keep in touch with what’s happening!
Many, MANY thanks for your continued love & support.
Until next time...